
Friday, October 24, 2008

Transparent gradients in Adobe Illustrator

Looking for a good tutorial to make transparent gradients in Adobe Illustrator??? Click in this link: an amazing short tutorial.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Chaucha Kings

Estaba esperando frente al Banco de Machala a mi mamá porque ibamos hacer algunas diligencias, de pronto vi una flaca que se le acercó a tres tipos, (la man estaba guapa) y la regresé a ver, pero oh sorpresa la mía al ver que eran 3 de los integrantes de Chaucha Kings...!!!!! La banda de bandas, después de conversar un rato con los manes (unos tipos muy chéveres) pues no sacamos una foto, que dejo en este mi laboratorio de aventuras. Les dí mis condolencias por el robo sufrido de sus instrumentos y también les dí mis comentarios sobre la última canción que habían sacado junto a la Vivi Parra: "Esa canción era demasiado pesada, en cada chupa tenía que salir el man de la guitarra y cantar....para que me haces llorar.....y ya pues, ya cansa!!!!", la respuesta de ellos fué: "A nosotros también nos caía demasiado mal esa canción, por eso decidimos hacerla bien".

en la noche fuí al concierto de ellos y estuvo genial, definitivamente son un grupo genial y lo más pleno es que son ecuatorianos. :D

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to add RequiredFieldValidator to a GridView ASP.NET

Well, it's an easy job just follow these addresses that will help you so much:

An additional comment: don't forget to convert the Edit, Cancel, Update button into a TemplateField too!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Proyecto de Constitución del Ecuador - 2008

Saludos ecuatorianos y más interesados en conocer la nueva Constitución del Ecuador (2008). Es muy importante que antes de decidir nuestro voto en Septiembre tengamos una idea de lo que se hizo en la Asamblea de Montecristi. Pueden descargar el proyecto de constitución haciendo click en el siguiente link:

Descargar proyecto de Constitución del Ecuador - 2008.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to remove price and Add to cart button from Oscommerce

What is necesary to do, to remove price and Add to cart button from Oscommerce is:

First step: Get the stylesheet.css, it is on the root of catalog, in this file add at its end a class with any name and with the property display:none;

Like this:


Second step: Get new_products.php from catalog/includes/modules and find the variable p_price, find where is shown this variable in the html code and wrap this variable with span class="hideFeatures";

Also add the same span class to button_add_to_cart2.gifthe number can change according the language or any other thing.

Third step: From catalog/includes/modules also get the product_listing.php file and do the same than in the second step.

Fourth step: From catalog get products_new.php and specials.php and do the same.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How to open a link on a blank target on SolpartMenu in DotNetNuke

It's been so easy, after to have been sailing throughout the Internet for a long time, I have the answer:

Just on the location add this code:


But, remove the embraces of [javascript]

That's it.

See you!!!!


Friday, January 11, 2008

How to install java on linux

After to have been through the net for a long time to configure correctly java on linux i've written this article to solve this issue.

Steps to install correctly java in linux:

-Let's supose java is installed under the directory /j2ee


1.Create a file vi /etc/profile.d/
2.Insert he follow lines:

export PATH=/j2ee/java/jdk/jre/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
3.Make it executable this file running this sentence:

chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/
4.After that, let's install the plugin for firefox:

The plugin you have to use depends of the version the browser was compiled. Generally it was done with gcc 3.x, so execute:

ln -s /j2ee/java/jdk/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins

If the gcc is 2.96

ln -s /j2ee/java/jdk/jre/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins

5.To install the preferences edit the file /usr/share/applications/sun_java.desktop to look like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Java Control Panel

6.To test the configuration, restart you're pc and after run on a terminal:

which java
which javac
echo $PATH

If everything works you have configured right you're JVM to start to develop and run java applications.

Now on a web browser window write: about:plugins, you have to see all the java MIME Types listed there.

Finally go to /usr/share/applications and search and execute sun_java.desktop it has to run the preferences of Java version installed on the machine


This article has been written using this references: